Sensorimotor Function

Sensorimotor Function group

Sensorimotor Function


Principal investigator: Julian Taylor Green



The sensorimotor function group began its activities in 2003 by Dr. Taylor, constituting the first research group within the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos. The main objective of the group is to study local sensorimotor pathophysiology and promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is associated with a significant reduction in quality of life and independence of patients due to the neurological injury and limited recovery of the sensorimotor function system, which includes the development of debilitating symptoms such as spasticity and pain. The research activities have two main objectives:


Improvement of early diagnosis of spasticity and pain, based on the measurement of pathophysiological changes associated with spinal cord injury.


Development of new techniques for the neurorehabilitation of spasticity and pain whilst promoting adaptive sensorimotor neuroplasticity after spinal cord injury.




Selected publications


- Albu S, Gómez-Soriano J, Avila-Martin G, Taylor J. Deficient conditioned pain modulation after spinal cord injury correlates with clinical spontaneous pain measures. Pain. 2015; 156(2):260-72. doi: 10.1097/01.j.pain.0000460306.48701.f9.


- Galan-Arriero I, Avila-Martin G, Ferrer-Donato A, Gomez-Soriano J, Bravo-Esteban E, Taylor J. Oral administration of the p38α MAPK inhibitor, UR13870, inhibits affective pain behavior after spinal cord injury. Pain. 155(10):2188-98. 2014.


- Bravo-Esteban E, Taylor J, Aleixandre M, Simon-Martínez C, Torricelli D, Pons JL, Gómez-Soriano J. Tibialis Anterior muscle coherence during controlled voluntary activation in patients with spinal cord injury: diagnostic potential for muscle strength, gait and spasticity. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2014; 11:23. doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-11-23.


- Barroso FO, Torricelli D, Moreno JC, Taylor J, Gomez-Soriano J, Bravo-Esteban E, Piazza S, Santos C, L Pons J. Shared muscle synergies in human walking and cycling. J Neurophysiol. 2014; 112(8):1984-98. doi: 10.1152/jn.00220.2014.


- Taylor J, Huelbes S, Albu S, Gómez-Soriano J, Peñacoba C, Poole HM. Neuropathic pain intensity, unpleasantness, coping strategies, and psychosocial factors after spinal cord injury: an exploratory longitudinal study during the first year. Pain Med. 2012; 13(11):1457-68. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01483.x






PATENT TITLE: Alpha-derivatives of cis-monounsaturated fatty acids for use as medicine.

INTELECTUAL PROPERTY HOLDER: Lipopharma Therapeutics S.L., University of Balearic Islands and FUHNPAIIN.

INTERNATIONAL Patent Registration No: PCT/ES2009/070561.

PRIORITY DATE: 04/12/2009.






Julian Taylor Green: Lab chief; BSc. in Phyisiology (University of Sheffield, UK);  PhD. in Neuropharmacology and Neurophysiology (University of Nottinghm, UK).


Julio Gómez-Soriano: Postdoctoral fellow; PhD. in Physiotherapy (University Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid, Spain).


Gerardo Ávila Martín: Lab manager; BSc. in Biology (Complutense University, Madrid, Spain); MSc. in the Study and Treatment of Pain (University Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid, Spain).


Iriana Galan Arriero: Predoctoral researcher; BSc. in Biochemistry (Complutense University, Madrid Spain); MSc. in the Study and Treatment of Pain (University Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid, Spain).




Ongoing projects


- Neuroregeneration after spinal cord injury with oleic acid-human albumin compound (lpa181): From Patent to clinical translation.

PI: Gerardo Avila Martin; Funded by Mutua Madrileña Foundation (2013-2016).


- Neurofunctional evaluation of multicomponent systems for promoting axonal growth and myelination in the injured spinal cord.

PI: Leoncio Garrido; Financed by Instituto de salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación; Ref: PI11/00592; 2012-2014).


- Assessment of Pregabalin as a treatment for at-level-induced and non-induced neuropathic pain during the early and late subacute phase of SCI.

PI: Julian Taylor Green. Financed by Pfizer (Ref: WS723342; 2011-2014).




Research lines


- Identification of new therapeutic targets for neuropathic pain and spasticity in patients: Early diagnosis and modulation of pathophysiological phenomena.


- Development of animal models of neuropathic pain and spasticity: Identification of common pathophysiological mechanisms.


- Development of non-invasive translational therapies for the early treatment of neuropathic pain and spasticity based on neuroprotective and neuroregenerative mechanisms.