
Grupo Microscopía



Head of service: Dr. José Ángel Rodríguez Alfaro

E-mail: jarodrigueza@sescam.jccm.es


Deputy head: Dr. Javier Mazarío Torrijos

E-mail: jmazario@sescam.jccm.es


Tel.: 925 396 830


The Microscopy and Image Analysis Services (SMAI) is a facility that provides support to the Basic Research Unit of the National Hospital for Paraplegics, offering equipment and expertise of its staff in the analysis of biological samples, image capture and processing. Under certain conditions, it can also offer its support to other public institutions and private companies in the area.


The SMAI was created in 2007, following the acquisition of a Leica SP5 confocal microscope, and since then has expanded  considerably to include a broad range of equipment such as epifluorescence and bright field microscopes, two inverted microscopes for capturing time-lapse videos, one laser microdisector, two confocal microscopes (one of them equipped to work with live samples), and a robotic microscope for High Content Screening. The Facility also holds licenses for commercial image analysis software as NEWCAST and Neurolucida.


At the SMAI we routinely perform acquisition of large area super-images (bright field and fluorescence), fluorescence imaging in samples stained with up-to five fluorochromes, studies of cell migration and colocalization, selective dissection of specific tissue regions for RNA or protein analysis, as well as processing  and analysis of digital images. Furthermore, the SMAI is equipped to conduct FRAP, FRET and stereology studies.